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所有的酒后驾车都很严重, but courts often treat your first DUI differently than they do repeat DUI offenses.  任何酒后驾车都应该给司机敲响警钟.  是时候问问自己是否有酗酒问题了, or if you simply made a poor decision to get behind the wheel after a dinner party or professional gathering where you had one too many beers or glasses of wine. If you’re wondering what happens after your first DUI, read on to find valuable information.  Knowing your responsibilities and rights after you’ve been charged with a DUI will help you make proactive decisions that are in your own best interest. 最重要的是,你应该用 ...


法院对酒后驾车的案件很严厉, 但到底有多严重取决于是轻罪还是重罪. Judges and juries are less and less forgiving of drunk and impaired drivers these days, 公众也是如此.  But whether the DWI was caused by one evening of bad choices versus a long-term pattern of drunk driving can make a big difference in sentencing.  一般, 如果你有过一次酒驾被捕, this will fall under the misdemeanor category unless someone was severely injured or killed or a minor child was in the vehicle.  另一方面, if you’re someone who has been convicted of more than one DWI offense in the past five years, 你所愿 ...


如果你被指控非法侵入, 行为不检, 或酒驾而没有身体伤害, 你可能会面临一种被称为轻罪的指控. This category of crime is considered more serious than an infraction, but not as grave as a felony. 尤其是如果这是你第一次接触刑事司法系统, 你可能会害怕, 不好意思, 当你去法院或其他地方时,不确定会发生什么. 轻罪初审会发生什么? 我会受到什么样的惩罚啊? 我如何确保我的案件可能得到最好的结果? 你的首要任务应该是获得法律代理. 新奥尔巴尼兰多教堂的轻罪律师 ...


美国每年发生数百万起车祸.S. — including tens of thousands of deaths and untold numbers of injuries — you’d think there would be an easy-to-use formula to determine how much you can get in a car accident settlement. 现实远没有这么简单. 必须确定沉船的责任或者谁对沉船有过错. The total cost of your injuries and lost wages related to the accident must be tallied. 当保险公司提出和解时, negotiation is essential to ensure you receive the maximum compensation you deserve. If you’ve been hurt in a motor vehicle accident due to someone else’s careless driving, 新奥尔巴尼的车祸律师 ...


在2018年秋天, Congress voted to approve a new bipartisan criminal justice bill known as the First Step Act. The goal of this bill is to improve the conditions in 联邦 prisons across the country and address the mass incarceration problem for drug-related crimes and similar offenses. While many would argue that there are still a lot of changes that need to be made to the criminal justice system in the United States, 这项法案仍有很多可取之处. 第一步行动:它能做什么? 具体地说, the First Step Act introduces several programs that allow prisoners to earn "credits" that can be used to reduce their sentences or enter into pre-release custody/home conf ...


法律体系变得如此复杂, 耗时和昂贵,各方通常非常努力避免使用它. 在提起民事诉讼之后, 谈判可能会起起伏伏, 但印第安纳州绝大多数诉讼都是通过和解解决的, 而不是审判后的判决. Those are the endings you see in movies and TV -- reality is normally far less dramatic. Mediation is the use of a neutral third party 帮助 the parties negotiate a resolution. 在教堂, 兰登, Lopp, Banet法律, 拉里教堂, Jason Lopp and Dana Eberle not only negotiate settlements for their clients involved in litigation, 但他们也在其他情况下充当调解人. s有很多好处 ...


How 印第安纳州 controlled dangerous substances (CDS) crimes are classified varies depending on possession or sale, 药物的种类和数量. 不管可能的犯罪, if you learn you’re under investigation for such a crime or have been arrested for one, you need to talk to a criminal defense lawyer to best defend your legal rights and freedom. 印第安纳州 has five CDS schedules based on their potential for abuse and whether they’re approved for medical use. 附表一药物(包括阿片类药物和海洛因)极有可能被滥用, 没有被接受的医疗用途或用于治疗是不安全的, 即使在医疗监督下. 附表二药物(包括吗啡和鸦片) ...


印第安纳州 criminal defense attorneys can’t take at face value prosecution claims and evidence supposedly found during an investigation. 必须验证它们的准确性, 它们是真实的,证据或主张的来源是合法的. We need to know whether evidence has been fabricated or obtained illegally and whether evidence pointing to another suspect has been ignored. If so, it may result in charges being dropped by the prosecution or a jury finding of not guilty. 这在很大程度上取决于检察官是否诚信行事, 但不幸的是,这并不总是正确的. 人权观察组织指责联邦政府秘密提供evi ...


肯塔基州该如何判决低级毒贩, 小偷和其他被判非暴力犯罪的人? 他们应该被关起来吗, securely separated from the public (at least until they’re paroled or released) or should there be another, 更好的, less expensive and effective way to hold these people accountable while making it less likely they’ll commit another crime after their sentences are over? A report released in December by 肯塔基州's Justice Reinvestment Workgroup makes 22 recommendations that might be the basis of new legislation which could help reduce the rising prison population. There are so many “hot button” issues involved that the report's creators admit they have ...


More than one in 20 people in 印第安纳州 admit having engaged in non-medical use of opioid pain relievers. 肯塔基州也有类似比例的公民陷入同样的悲惨困境, 联邦, state and local law enforcement is aggressively attacking this social and legal tragedy nationwide. Eighteen states have adopted comprehensive mandates in the past four years requiring doctors who prescribe opioids – oxycodone, 氢可酮, Xanax and others – and other controlled substances to check databases to learn whether their patients are addicts who get these drugs elsewhere. Prescribers – mainly physicians – can see which drugs their patients are obtaining and whether they are going ...


The events following a lawsuit generally include pleadings, discovery, trial, and appeal. 然而, you must ask yourself specific questions before getting started and contact experienced attorneys to guide you through the process.  有没有想过当你和好时会发生什么 ...