授权书Vs. 监护
在法律的许多领域, there are ways to prevent problems — and there are ways to deal with the problem after it happens. 老年人的遗产规划、委托书和监护都是很好的例子.
A well-thought-out and properly executed power of attorney in 印第安纳州 could prevent the need for 监护. 在看委托书和. 监护, POA is far easier, faster, and less expensive than a 监护 proceeding.
潜在的问题是一个成年人, 在未来, 可能无法对他或她的医疗保健做出决定, 金融事务, 或者日常生活. 那个成年人可以是任何人, but those facing chronic 身体或精神状况s or the elderly may be more likely to find themselves in that situation faster than others. 当你准备好讨论监护权vs. 在你这种情况下的授权书, 请立即致电812-725-8224与bet9九州体育登录线路公司的POA和监护律师bet9九州体育登录线路.
为什么要选择CLLB法来讨论授权书vs. 监护
在教堂, 兰登, Lopp, 和Banet法, we understand the challenges involved when you are in a situation where decisions regarding 监护 vs. 委托书在桌子上. 通常, people who are discussing this have some sort of health issue looming or are in the midst of a situation that could upend the normal family structure.
这可能是一个可怕的时刻,因为家庭面临着很多不确定性. 委托书与授权书之争. 监护对家庭成员来说也会非常不舒服.
我们的团队始终专注于为您提供所需的支持, 无论是情感上还是法律上. We know how 帮助 you find ways to discuss challenging subjects, serving as a facilitator.
因为你可能要经历授权书和. 第一次讨论监护问题, 我们也知道如何提问,帮助你清晰地表达你的想法. 而不是让你不知所措,不知道如何继续, 我们将引导讨论, 确保我们击中了所有的重点.
而不是像其他律所那样给你千篇一律的解决方案, CLLB Law works directly with you to solve the unique problems that you and your family are facing. 我们的 过去客户的推荐信 展示我们为他们的案子付出的高水平工作, 你可以相信我们也会为你这么做.
我们如何帮助您处理授权书vs. 监护的决定
Because of our decades of collective experience dealing with elder law, power of attorney vs. 监护, 家庭法, 以及争议解决的话题, 我们的团队可以帮助你应对这样的困境.
我们知道每种情况都是不同的, 你们可以放心,我们将把重点放在对你们最重要的事实上. 我们对ic305-4有广泛的了解, 关于代理权的印第安纳州法规, 你可以相信我们会用你能理解的术语向你解释法规.
律师. 兰登 领导我们CLLB律师事务所的团队,处理授权书vs. 监护和老年法的类似方面,如遗嘱和信托.
他将同情心与重要的法律技能结合在一起, 确保你得到你需要的法律帮助, as well as the emotional support required to sort through the complexities of this type of situation. 讨论这些话题是困难的,但他会引导你完成这个过程.
史蒂夫决定专注于 长者护理计划 and similar areas of the law after experiencing his own frustrations with the Medicaid system while dealing with a family member’s severe illness.
He knows the pain that families sometimes go through when they come to CLLB Law looking for help with making decisions like power of attorney vs. 监护. He promises to work as hard as possible to handle the legal ramifications of your situation, 这样你就能专注于你的家庭了.
显然,POA vs. 监护对人们来说是一个具有挑战性的概念. 我们的监护律师的客户经常有很多关于这个话题的问题. 简单来说, 委托书是由委托人创建的法律文件, 一个心智健全的成年人.
它给了另一个人, 代理, 为校长做决定或处理特定事务的能力. These documents normally cover financial and healthcare issues and can be as narrow or as broad as the principal sees fit.
只要校长心智健全就行, 委托书可以撤销或变更, 并且药剂可以去除和更换.
A financial power of attorney can allow a person to handle a narrow range of financial issues (such as pay bills and the mortgage) or encompass all financial issues (freedom to control all assets and income, 做投资决策, 出售房地产, 并支付所有的债务和账单).
- The power of attorney can be durable (it becomes effective when it’s completed) or springing (it becomes effective only if the principal is no longer competent to make the decisions).
- 委托人必须说明委托书是持久的还是临时的. 持久的POA更有用, because 代理’s ability to make decisions may come and go if the principal gains and loses his or her mental capacity.
A health care power of attorney in 印第安纳州 allows the principal to name an agent who will make health care decisions for the person if the principal can’t make them on his or her own.
卫生保健提供者必须接受精神健全的病人的指导, so these 授权书 apply only when the patient is no longer capable of making medical decisions.
我们的监护律师随时准备帮助您的POA vs. 监护的决定
考虑到代理扮演的重要角色, 对于委托人来说,指定一个准备好的代理人是至关重要的, 愿意, 并且能够胜任这份工作. The agent could be trusted with life-or-death health care decisions or decisions that could potentially financially ruin the principal, so it’s important that the person must be trustworthy and capable of making such decisions.
Suppose there are appropriate 授权书 in place in case the principal becomes incompetent to make important decisions due to an illness, 身体或精神状况, 事故, 或者年老. 在这种情况下,其他人会为这个人做决定. 支付账单,管理资产,做出医疗决定.
在CLLB,我们理解做出这些决定的重要性. 这就是为什么我们的团队愿意在POA vs上花费尽可能多的时间. 监护讨论,帮助你找到最好的方式,让你向前迈进.
我们的监护律师会提供建议, 同时总是倾听你的担忧和需求. 要讨论您的情况,请立即致电812-725-8224与我们bet9九州体育登录线路.
印第安纳州监护权vs. 授权书程序
What happens if the person becomes incompetent to make decisions but there are no 授权书 in place?
For health care issues, it’s the next of kin who will be asked to make health care decisions. If the person is married, that’s the spouse, assuming he or she is capable of making such decisions.
如果情况并非如此,那么成年子女(如果有的话)将是下一个. 如果有一个以上的孩子,这可能是一个问题, 如果他们不同意治疗方法.
财务方面, 除非账户上有别人的名字, it may be practically impossible for a family member to gain access to bank or financial accounts to obtain money to pay bills.
A failure to pay rent could result in eviction; failure to pay the mortgage could result in foreclosure; and medical insurance may be lost if premiums aren’t paid.
当监护是授权书vs .的下一步. 印第安纳州的监护权
在我们之前解释过的情况下,监护程序将是下一步. 通过这个法律程序, a person is appointed by a court to make decisions for someone who no longer can make decisions for himself or herself (a “protected person”). 一般有两种类型的监护人:
- “监护人”根据当事人的个人需要作出决定, 包括医疗护理.
- “遗产监护人”处理他们的商业或财务事务.
If the protected person is disabled enough, one person or two people may be both types of guardians.
A person will be declared incompetent and in need of a guardian if he lacks sufficient capacity to manage his own affairs or to make or communicate important decisions about his health, 财产, 或家庭. 大多数法院要求你至少要有医生的证明, 解释为什么医生认为病人无能.
如果无能力的人没有律师, the court will likely appoint a lawyer to represent the incompetent person at the hearing. 这位临时代表是“法定监护人”.”
The incompetent person also has a right to have a personal lawyer present at the hearing. (肯塔基州, a hearing before a judge and jury is required to determine the individual’s need for a guardian.)
我们的监护律师可以帮助您了解印第安纳州授权书vs. 监护
Whether you’re in 印第安纳州 or 肯塔基州 and planning for your own future or the future of a loved one, 丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳 我能回答你关于授权书vs的问题吗. 监护程序,并代表您或您的家人在这些关键问题.
今天就bet9九州体育登录的监护律师,开始寻找解决方案. 填写我们的在线表格或致电812-725-8224.
在印第安纳州和肯塔基州都有执业执照, 史蒂夫·兰登是一位经验丰富的老年律师和出庭辩护律师. 除了他的诉讼和审判工作, 史蒂夫的执业包括立遗嘱, 信托基金, 遗嘱认证, 医疗补助计划, 监护, 授权书, 以及高级指导计划, 包括生前遗嘱和医疗代理指定. [ 律师生物 ]
加里在印第安纳州和肯塔基州都有执业律师执照. 他专注于遗产规划, 遗产及信托管理, 遗产及信托诉讼, 监护, 老年人法和特殊需求规划. 加里赢得了他的J。.D. 来自路易斯维尔大学,路易斯D. Brandeis School of Law, and formerly practiced law at Bingham Greenebaum Doll and Wyatt, Tarrant & 库姆斯. [ 律师生物 ]