离婚的时候, 在解决方案中要做出的决定似乎太多了. Once you go through the process to agree to a settlement, you expect things to run smoothly. 然而, 你的前配偶是否应该拒绝遵守和解协议, 这就造成了一种极其令人沮丧的局面. 儿童监护权就是其中之一. 你的前配偶可能会拒绝遵守探视时间表, 所以你需要某种调解.
当你想知道如何解决监护权纠纷时,CLLB律师事务所的团队可以提供帮助. We have some advice and tips for how to keep the custody dispute focused on the best interests of the children. When you’re 准备好了 to seek a legal resolution to your child custody situation, give us a call. 一旦你决定雇用我们,我们就会开始处理你的案子. 今天请致电812-725-8224与我们bet9九州体育登录线路.
Here are some specific tips for how to resolve a custody dispute in 印第安纳州 and 肯塔基州.
- 了解监护权之争是如何运作的: Resolving a child custody battle means negotiating a settlement agreement that serves the child’s best interests. You must be able to show why spending extra time with you will serve the children’s best interests.
- 了解在监护权之争中你不应该做什么: 监护权之争会让很多不好的感觉浮出水面. 你需要避免在私人谈话中对诱饵做出回应, 短信, 社交媒体上的帖子. 换句话说,如果你不能说些好听的话,那就什么都别说.
- 了解一个母亲是如何输掉监护权之争的: 当一个母亲在争夺孩子的监护权时, 它通常会涉及到母亲的危险行为. 证明母亲虐待儿童, 酒精滥用, 药物滥用, 身体虐待, 或者疏忽会导致她失去监护权.
- 了解什么是高冲突监护权案件: When the two spouses cannot successfully negotiate any aspects of the child custody case, 这可能导致高度冲突的情况. 像这样的一些案件涉及夫妻之间的语言和身体虐待, 给孩子们制造了法官认为不安全的环境.
作为离婚协议的一部分, you and your ex-spouse will set up a child parenting time and custody agreement. 这将通过谈判或通过法官的判决来实现. Should your ex-spouse refuse to honor the agreement in the future, though, custody battles can arise. 此时此刻, 作为你们的代表, we will bring the violations to the attention of your ex-spouse and negotiate a settlement. 如果需要的话,我们会去法院保护你孩子的监护权.
帮助你避免重大冲突是我们工作的一部分 儿童监护律师. 我们将在谈判和听证会上代表你. Allow us to present your wants and needs for the children in a professional manner. 我们可以帮助您专注于实际谈判, 而不是你过去和你的前配偶有过的任何冲突. Should things become heated, we have proven techniques available to defuse the tension.
监护权之争通常会归结为当时看起来很小的事情. But when they come to light in a child custody hearing, these things can represent a turning point. 这里有一些你在等待监护权纠纷解决时可以做的事情.
在监护权纠纷中, it’s likely that your ex-spouse’s attorney could spend hours going through your social media history. Posts that seemed harmless at the time could look terrible during a hearing in front of a judge. If you post photos from a party you attended or a weekend getaway at a time when you should have been caring for the kids, 这是有害的信息. Stop posting completely or stick to a few basic informational posts that cannot harm you during a custody hearing. 如果你对是否应该发布一些东西有任何疑问,那就不要发布.
Although it can be tempting to vent to others about your frustrations over your ex-spouse’s behavior, 这是个糟糕的主意. 你永远不知道谁会把你的批评反馈给你的前配偶. 这也包括你的孩子, 谁会误解你说的话, 导致重大问题. 你可能会发现对方在听证会上利用这些信息来对付你. 不管你认为某个评论是多么的无辜, 在孩子监护权听证会上, 它可能是极具破坏性的.
When you have parenting time set with the children, make sure you follow through on it. Don’t send the kids to a grandparent’s house when it’s your turn to care for them. 不要让你的前配偶占用你照顾孩子的时间. Routinely skipping your turns to care for the children can hurt you significantly in a child custody hearing.
印第安纳州法院 认为母亲和父亲对孩子的幸福都很重要. The courts also know the importance of helping children maintain their normal life as much as possible after the divorce. 如果母亲在离婚前是主要的照顾者, 法院很有可能会给予她主要的人身监护权.
然而, the mother doesn’t receive this type of favorable ruling automatically. 事实上, 如果母亲在孩子身边做出危险的行为, 她可能会失去所有监护权. 如果你的前配偶酗酒, 药物使用, 赌博, 物理爆发, 或者言语虐待, 孩子们跟她在一起可能会有危险. 相信我们的团队会在孩子监护权听证会上介绍这些条款. 我们都知道离婚后保护孩子的安全有多重要, 孩子监护权的决定在其中扮演着重要的角色.
High-conflict child custody cases are those that involve uncivil behavior from one or both spouses. 你可能不打算让孩子监护权听证会涉及冲突, 但这种情绪会迅速上升. 过去的激烈争论可能会重新燃起.
当夫妻双方因为感情不好而无法有效沟通时, 这使监护权案件复杂化. It’s difficult for the spouses to negotiate effectively and explain exactly what they want for the kids when they spend the entire time arguing with each other.
雇用我们在丘奇的团队的一个好处, 兰登, Lopp, 代表你的巴奈特法律是我们可以控制情绪. 双方代表将处理大部分谈判, 我们经常发现当事的配偶对彼此表现得更礼貌.
谈判是否会引发争议, 我们有多种技术可以用来缓和局势. 我们知道沟通在儿童监护听证会上的重要性. We also will help you keep your cool in the negotiations when your spouse tries to provoke you into an unwanted verbal conflict. Behaving calmly during hearings can give you a better chance to impress the judge in a custody case.
Beyond the specific situations we mentioned earlier regarding child custody situations, 这里有一些一般的建议可以遵循. These can help you avoid causing problems for yourself when working through the custody dispute process.
如果你的前配偶知道你的密码和电脑密码, 智能手机, 平板电脑, email, 以及社交媒体账户, 修改密码. 你的前配偶可能会找到在听证会上对你不利的信息. Or your ex-spouse could create fake information in your accounts that will be difficult to disprove.
The best advice for avoiding conflict is to avoid communicating with your ex-spouse. 很明显, 在努力协调育儿时间和送孩子的时候, 这几乎是不可能的. 而不是, 只通过短信或email与你的前配偶交流, 所以总会有交流的痕迹. There are also apps available that keep an accurate record of your communication for automatic admission in court if necessary. If you must speak to your ex-spouse in person or on the phone, try to always have a witness with you.
每次见到你的孩子时,把你照顾他们的方式列在一张清单上. Having specific items that you can show the court about your parenting skills will be helpful in winning your case. Should your spouse be failing to adhere to parenting time rules and other items, 对每一项违规行为都有一份书面清单是非常有用的, 太.
Going through a divorce settlement often brings up stressful situations from the past. Rehashing previous arguments brings hard feelings to the forefront, opening old wounds. When you and your spouse disagreed on the best path forward during the marriage, 这些分歧在婚姻结束后会变得更加严重. 我们的 离婚律师 了解这个过程所带来的压力.
Child custody disagreements are among the most difficult to resolve amicably after a divorce. Trying to decide what’s best for the kids can create conflicts during and after the marriage. Some people respond to these disagreements by violating the child custody setup they agreed to in the original settlement. 当你的前配偶没有按照约定分享监护权时, 我们的儿童监护团队随时准备帮助您获得公平的待遇.
Church, 兰登, Lopp, Banet Law will always have your and your children’s best interests at heart. We do not back down when your ex-spouse’s attorneys try to introduce untruths into the case. 你应该得到前任配偶的公平对待. 请尽快致电812-725-8224与我们讨论您的情况.