生前预嘱 & 高级健康指示
未来既充满希望,也充满威胁. Depending on your personality, the unknown may fill you with excitement or apprehension. 未雨绸缪, 尤其是考虑到你的健康, can remove some of the uncertainty 和 give remarkable peace of mind. 的 best time to prepare is now, while you have the capacity to do so. 遗产规划法律是复杂的. To be sure that your unique situation 和 personal beliefs are accurately reflected, 咨询律师是很重要的.
的 遗产规划律师 at 丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳 are familiar with every aspect of healthcare advance directive issues. 教堂的遗产规划律师, 兰登, Lopp, Banet Law underst和 the sensitive nature of these topics 和 are committed to providing each of our clients with personal attention. We encourage our clients to speak c和idly about their wishes so that, 在一起, we can create the best documents possible for taking control of future health care challenges.
To discuss your situation 和 options, bet9九州体育登录线路 our office by calling 812-725-8224 or filling out 我们的网上表格.
Making a will to determine what happens to your property after your death is a principal part of estate planning, 但它只是一个元素. Having documents that can speak for you when you are not able to speak for yourself is another key piece for everyone to have, 不论年龄大小, 健康状况或经济能力. 医疗预先指示是书面的, legal instructions that allow you to make decisions now regarding future medical care. 的y guide medical professionals 和 caregivers if you’re terminally ill, 严重受伤, 昏迷中, 在老年痴呆症晚期或接近生命尽头时. 意外的生命终结情况可能发生在任何年龄. 提前计划可以帮助避免不必要的痛苦, relieve your loved ones from having to make difficult decisions during a crisis, 和 reduce confusion about the choices you would want made on your behalf.
的re are a number of possible end-of-life care decisions that are appropriate to address in a living will, 如机械通风, 复苏, 胃管喂食, 透析, 抗生素, 姑息治疗和器官捐赠. A living will does not have to mention all life-extending options; just list your specific choices. A living will removes liability from healthcare professionals for following your medical care wishes regarding artificially administered, life-prolonging treatments 和 is consulted only if you are unable to communicate those wishes. 被调用, a doctor must conclude that you are no longer competent 和 must attest that you are in an end-stage medical condition or a persistent vegetative state.
You may use the living will to designate a health care representative to make medical decisions on your behalf in accordance with the directions 和 limitations you lay out.
To be valid, a living will must be signed in front of two witnesses 和 a notary public. 你的证人不能是你的父母, 配偶, 孩子, 医生, 任何可能继承你财产的人, or any person financially responsible for your healthcare. 通知你所爱的人, 您的保健代表, 医生, attorney 和 any other healthcare providers that you have an advance directive. Give them copies, but keep the original in a safe, accessible place. 如果你得到了新的严重诊断, 婚姻状况有变化吗, or experience a change in your feelings toward end-of-life care, consider reviewing your living will 和 creating a new one if necessary.
的 health care representative is referred to by different names from state to state. 的 same person with the same position as the representative may be called the health care agent, 代理, 代理, 代理人, 或者病人的倡导者. An appointment of health care representative document is similar to a health care representative designation in a living will, 除了它可以自己执行.
You don’t need to have an advance directive or a living will to have a DNR order stating that you do not wish to be resuscitated in the event of a cardiac arrest. 如果你只有DNR指令, be sure that your loved ones are aware of your decision 和 keep the form where it is easy to find. 印第安纳州 law has provisions in it to accommodate those who have a terminal condition or a medical condition such that if they were to suffer a heart attack, 复苏 would be unsuccessful or within a short period of time they would suffer a repeated heart failure. 如果你的心脏停止跳动或者你停止呼吸, a DNR means that cardiopulmonary 复苏 (CPR) will not be performed. 心肺复苏术包括人工呼吸, 直接心脏注射, 静脉注射药物, 电除颤, 还有开胸心脏按摩.
Whatever your situation or healthcare wishes, the estate planning lawyers at 丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳 可以帮助. We underst和 the issues 和 can guide you through the process 帮助 you make the best decisions possible. Our attorneys have efficiently 和 effectively guided many people through the process of drafting healthcare advance directives, 我们期待着与你们合作. For skilled 和 knowledgeable representation, bet9九州体育登录线路 us by calling 812-725-8224 or filling out 我们的网上表格.
除了新奥尔巴尼, 印第安纳州, we proudly serve communities throughout the Kentuckiana area with 路易斯维尔的遗产规划律师 和 杰斐逊维尔的遗产规划律师. 同样,我们的Corydon和 克拉克斯维尔老年律师 have also helped their aging neighbours with the challenges faced by living wills 和 advance directives.
在印第安纳州和肯塔基州都有执业执照, Steve 兰登 is an experienced elder law 和 trial attorney. 除了他的诉讼和审判工作, 史蒂夫的执业包括立遗嘱, 信托基金, 遗嘱认证, 医疗补助计划, 监护, 授权书, 以及高级指导计划, including living wills 和 health care 代理 designations. [ 律师生物 ]
Gary is licensed to practice law in both 印第安纳州 和 肯塔基州. 他专注于遗产规划, 遗产及信托管理, 遗产及信托诉讼, 监护, 老年人法和特殊需求规划. 加里赢得了他的J。.D. 来自路易斯维尔大学,路易斯D. Br和eis School of Law, 和 formerly practiced law at Bingham Greenebaum Doll 和 Wyatt, Tarrant & 库姆斯. [ 律师生物 ]