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- 遗产规划
当资产持有人去世时,一些资产通过遗嘱认证. 然而,并不是所有的资产都必须强制进行遗嘱认证. Sometimes a will is not the ideal mechanism for ensuring that your assets are efficiently passed to your loved ones. We outline everything you need to know about the 遗嘱认证 process 和 its effects on your assets.
Probate is the name of a legal process that is set in motion after someone with assets dies. The court analyzes the deceased’s estate 和 oversees the transfer of estate assets to the new owner. 遗嘱认证可以有遗嘱也可以没有遗嘱. 然而, if a will is involved, its validity is also determined.
在遗嘱认证, the court names an executor or legal representative to administer the 遗嘱认证 process. 通常,遗嘱执行人是家庭成员. 遗嘱通常会指定遗嘱执行人. The executor’s job is to locate 和 oversee the deceased’s assets, then estimate the estate’s value. 评估遗产价值有两种典型的方法. 一种是使用死亡日期. The other is by using an alternate valuation date, as laid out by the 国内税收法典(IRC).
The executor first must pay off any debt or taxes owed from the estate. After the estate’s inventory is taken 和 any debt 和 tax balances settled, the executor will ask the court to authorize distribution of the remainder of the estate to the beneficiaries.
People try to avoid 遗嘱认证 mainly because of the time 和 money it takes to complete. Many people are also put off by the process itself, which is public. 所有的债务和资产都成为公共记录的一部分.
- Time. 遗嘱认证过程缓慢且耗时. 假设, 你可以在短短半年内完成它, 但通常需要一到三年的时间. It can take even longer if someone contests the will or if it is a complicated case.
- 钱. 遗嘱认证过程可能代价高昂. The court may take as much as 10% of the estate’s value in 遗嘱认证 fees. The court may use this money to conduct parts of the 遗嘱认证 process or assign lawyers.
- 公共流程. All documents involved in the estate’s 遗嘱认证 process become part of the public record. 这意味着任何人, 从你的邻居到随机的小偷, can look up lists of the assets 和 see how they were distributed. This can be uncomfortable for anyone who receives assets of great worth. It can open people up to jealousy 和 requests for loans — not to mention scams 和 burglary.
Some assets must transition through the 遗嘱认证 process regardless of how the estate is arranged. This generally includes any assets only in the decedent’s name at the time of death. The 遗嘱认证 court is the only entity that can change the title from the decedent’s name to the heir specified in the will.
Common examples of assets that often pass through 遗嘱认证 because the title is in the ‘decedent’s name only’ include:
- 财产
- 车辆
- 银行账户
- 遗嘱
然而, any assets that share another name on the title or account may not necessarily be forced into 遗嘱认证. 本质上, any asset not directly transitioned to a beneficiary will be subject to the decedent’s will. 遗嘱须经遗嘱认证.
Although there are assets that generally must pass through 遗嘱认证, an experienced 新奥尔巴尼遗嘱认证律师 may be able 帮助 you arrange your estate in a manner that can allow all or some of your assets to effectively bypass 遗嘱认证.
有些资产自然会逃避遗嘱认证程序. Others can sometimes be arranged in a way so as to circumvent it. 以下资产通常避免遗嘱认证:
- 共有资产
- 受益人名称
- 信托资产
Assets jointly owned between the decedent 和 another person can sometimes avoid the 遗嘱认证 process. 例如, if you jointly own your home with your spouse 和 both names are on the title, 死后,房子可直接传给配偶的另一方.
一些指定受益人的资产可以回避遗嘱认证. 这些资产通过合同条款指定受益人. 它们通常包括以下资产:
- 401 k计划
- 人寿保险赔付
- 个人退休帐户(ira)
- 医疗储蓄账户
- 养老金计划
- 股票和债券
一些银行账户甚至允许你列出受益人的名字. You can start by researching which accounts allow you to designate beneficiaries 和 then naming them on the respective accounts.
The most explicit way to avoid 遗嘱认证 is by creating a living trust. 这是写遗嘱的另一种选择. A will distributes assets upon death, whereas a trust places assets “in trust.” The assets are managed by a trustee 和 paid out to the beneficiaries as designated.
如果处理得当, 死后财产已经分配给信托了, 从而完全回避了遗嘱认证. This allows your beneficiaries to avoid the costs commonly associated with probating a will 和 passing it through the 遗嘱认证 courts.
不,有些财产自然不需要遗嘱认证. Others can be arranged in a manner that allows them to bypass 遗嘱认证. Speak with a skilled estate planning attorney for more information.
When the following assets are listed in the decedent’s name only, 他们通常通过遗嘱认证:
- 财产
- 车辆
- 银行账户
- 遗嘱
There are ways to avoid these assets having to enter the 遗嘱认证 process, 但这通常需要在死前采取积极的措施.
Assets that do not go through 遗嘱认证 commonly involve the following:
- 共同拥有的资产,如房屋
- Assets with designated beneficiaries, like life insurance policies
- 作为生前信托的一部分而指定的资产
在印第安纳州,一处房产价值不到 $50,000 (IC 29-1-8-3) 不需要通过遗嘱认证. An 遗产规划律师 can help determine whether a living trust or a will is better for you 和 your beneficiaries.
遗产是死者所拥有的一切. 这通常包括如下资产:
- 土地
- 房屋
- 车辆
- 比如家具、艺术品、衣服和珠宝
- 现金
- 金融证券
如果房产的价值是 $50,000以下(IC 29-1-8-3),它可能不需要通过遗嘱认证.
We all want the peace of mind that comes with knowing our assets will be protected 和 distributed according to our wishes when the time comes. No amount of good intent can guarantee that your assets will be distributed according to your wishes; however, the proper legal considerations can help ensure your final wishes are followed. If you wonder whether a will or a trust would be more beneficial to protecting 和 distributing your assets to your loved ones, an 遗产规划律师 Church Langdon Lopp Banet律师事务所的律师可以帮你. 我们的 杰斐逊维尔遗嘱认证律师, Clarskville的遗嘱认证律师 以及 新奥尔巴尼 和 Corydon遗嘱认证律师 会给你所需的一切帮助吗. 请致电812-286-2735,了解我们如何提供帮助.