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If you have been arrested and accused of a crime in 肯塔基州, 你将面临严重的后果, as 检察官 will immediately begin 收集证据 to build a case against you. 定罪会带来罚款、缓刑、牢狱之灾,以及一份永远伴随你的犯罪记录. 有不良记录会毁掉你的教育和职业前景,让你无法获得学生贷款等福利, 专业执照, and housing and immigration benefits; family and social relationships can be ruined as well.

面对刑事指控可能会让人不知所措, but with the proper guidance and legal representation, 你还有希望. 一位经验丰富的肯塔基州刑事辩护律师可以以一种有助于增加有利结果机会的方式处理您的案件.

Church Langdon Lopp Banet律师事务所(CLLB)的杰斐逊县刑事辩护律师熟悉法庭, 错综复杂的刑事司法系统, and the tactics 检察官 use to get a conviction. 你越快bet9九州体育登录, 我们就能越快收集到证据来立案防止你犯可能对你不利的错误. 当你聘请我们公司时, 我们负责所有的法律要求, 出庭, 和谈判, build the best defense possible and aggressively fight for your rights and your freedom.

Why Choose 我们的杰斐逊县, 肯塔基州, Criminal Defense Lawyer

并非所有的刑事律师都是平等的, and having the right one can make a big difference in the outcome of your case. 以下是我们认为您应该选择我们杰斐逊县刑事辩护律师的一些原因:

  • 我们有必要的经验. 马克·陶菲克律师重点是审判工作和刑事辩护, 我们在杰斐逊县的律师已经成功地为客户辩护了轻罪和重罪指控,从 酒后驾车 and drug offenses to robbery and possession of stolen property. 我们与法官建立了关系, 检察官, 法庭人员, so we know how to work with them and can anticipate and address challenges that may arise.
  • 我们提供个性化的方法. We understand that every criminal case is unique, and we treat you with the individual attention you deserve.
  • We know how to investigate and build your case.  Our attorneys thoroughly investigate the details surrounding your case, 收集证据, 比如犯罪现场的照片和视频, 化验及警方报告, 以及对证人的采访, 建立一个强大的防御. 通过我们自己的调查, we can determine whether evidence was improperly obtained, 这可能会把它排除在考虑之外.
  • 我们知道如何谈判. 我们的律师寻找可能导致撤销或减少指控的法律论据,并与检察官合作探索审判的替代方案, 比如减刑或辩诉交易, 在适当和需要的时候.
  • We know how to advocate for you in the courtroom. 如果你的案子进入审判阶段, 我们将积极争取你的权利, 提出令人信服的辩护, 质疑控方的证据, and cross-examine witnesses to cast doubt on their credibility.

How 我们的杰斐逊县 Criminal Defense Attorneys Work for You

尽管法律规定在排除合理怀疑前你是无辜的, 一旦被指控, people are often treated as if al准备好了 convicted. 控方想要定罪, 并将利用所有可能的证据来支持其主张并尽量减少被告的宪法权利来实现这一目标. When you retain our Jefferson County 刑事辩护律师, we will get to work immediately to make sure you are protected.  我们将:

  • Meet with you to 听到 your version of why you are accused of the alleged crime
  • Determine the best way to respond to charges and handle the accusations
  • Inform you of your rights and ensure police and 检察官 adhere to proper procedures
  • 防止你犯常见的错误,避免说或做任何会对你的案子产生负面影响的事情
  • Appear in court on your behalf and handle bail and arraignment
  • Build a strong defense by examining the crime scene, 收集证据证明你的清白, 采访目击者, 检查警方和实验室的报告, and looking for weaknesses and mistakes in the prosecutor’s case
  • Conduct our own investigation to determine whether evidence was improperly obtained, 这可能会把它排除在考虑之外, and challenge any evidence that was improperly obtained or handled
  • 与检察官谈判,并处理认罪交易,以减轻指控或撤销指控
  • 把你的案子带到法庭上,为你辩护,让陪审团相信有合理的怀疑你犯了罪
  • 必要时提出上诉.

在教堂,兰登·洛普·巴内特律所, we believe you deserve strong legal representation, 不管你面临什么样的指控. 我们的杰斐逊县 刑事辩护律师 will strive to negotiate a plea bargain agreement that may allow you to avoid jail time, 或者至少减少它, 如果你觉得这是最好的选择. 如果你上了法庭, we can tell your side of the story to the judge and jury, expose the prosecution’s case and witnesses as unreliable and untrustworthy, and provide evidence as to why there should be reasonable doubt.

Jefferson County Criminal Defense Attorney Explains Defenses

Depending on the individual circumstances of your situation, 我们杰斐逊县的刑事辩护律师可能会采取几种方法来为你辩护. 在一般情况下, 刑事辩护策略试图质疑控方证据的有效性和充分性.  例子包括:

标准刑事辩护. 的se may include 宪法al violations of your rights, such as illegal search and seizure of your home, 车, 服装, or person; failure to obtain a warrant for entry; obtaining an improper confession; or failure to have your “Miranda Rights” read at the time of the arrest. 当这些违规发生时, 非法取得的证据可以不予公开, 否则你的案子甚至会被驳回.

不在场证明或肯定抗辩. You may have an alibi that proves you were somewhere else at the time of the offense. 积极辩护, you admit to the court that you committed a charged crime, but explain how your actions were justified under the circumstances.  一些肯定性抗辩包括:

  • 自卫, 或保护他人或财产, 在像袭击这样的犯罪案件中, 电池, 和谋杀, 在哪里暴力是正当的,以回应暴力行为或暴力行为的威胁来自受害者
  • 截留, 如果警察引诱你犯罪, 一般情况下, 你永远不会承诺
  • Mistaken identity, if there is evidence that you were mistaken for someone else
  • 精神错乱, 如果能证明你在犯罪时患有严重的精神疾病或精神缺陷
  • 证据不足, if the prosecution lacks enough evidence to prove the guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Our attorneys may challenge the reliability of witness testimony, 证据的可信度, or the legality of the search and seizure procedures.

Criminal Defense Attorneys in Jefferson County, KY, Explain Your Rights

美国和肯塔基州都为因涉嫌犯罪或犯罪而被逮捕和拘留审问的个人提供宪法保护. 你的首要权利之一是要求一位律师,他可以确保你得到适当的对待,并帮助你避免犯错误,这可以给检察官一个更好的案子. Important rights you should be aware of include:

  • 宣读你的米兰达权利告诉你你有权保持沉默不回答问题你所说的一切都将成为呈堂证供.
  • To be shown an arrest warrant authorizing arrest and told what the criminal charges are. 只有当警察有充分的理由相信你犯了罪,你才可以在没有逮捕证的情况下被逮捕.
  • 打电话给你的律师或家人,让你的律师在审问或排队时在场.
  • To have the court appoint an attorney if you cannot afford one.
  • 合理的保释和快速的审判.

美国宪法第五修正案.S. 宪法 规定了不受政府强迫自证其罪的权利,以及对同一刑事罪行不受多重起诉或多重惩罚的权利.

第六条修正案》 提供拒绝作证的权利, 还有去看的机会, 听到, 让证人指证你.


杰斐逊县,肯塔基州,刑事辩护律师s Handle Felonies and Misdemeanors

Crimes in 肯塔基州 are categorized as misdemeanors or felonies. While felonies 车ry greater punishments and 罚款, 即使是轻罪定罪也会给你留下犯罪记录,也可能意味着监禁和罚款


Conviction of a felony means one year to life in prison, 监督缓刑, 罚款, 而且一个污点会让你无法获得大多数专业工作,也会限制你的许多福利. Most felonies in 肯塔基州 are designated as Level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, with murder and level 1 the most serious offenses.

每个重罪级别都规定了量刑范围. Level 1 felonies are punishable by 20 to 40 years’ imprisonment, while Level 6 felonies 车ry a sentence of 6 months to 2 ½ years’ imprisonment.   Murder brings three possible sentences — a fixed sentence of 45 to 55 years’ imprisonment, 终身监禁,不得假释, 或者死刑.


Misdemeanors are considered less severe than a felony, but still bring strong punishments and a criminal record. Misdemeanors are punished by up to a year in jail and designated as Class A, B, 或C, 其中A级最严重.

Call our Jefferson County, 肯塔基州, Criminal Defense Attorney for Help

你只有一次机会展示你最好的一面,并在你的辩护中做出最有力的论点, 因此,将你的辩护委托给一位知识渊博、经验丰富的刑事辩护律师是至关重要的,他可以预测检察官的行动,并有效地反驳检察官的论点. 在教堂,兰登·洛普·巴内特律所, 我们了解当地法院和刑事司法系统,这使我们能够预测并解决您在辩护过程中可能出现的潜在挑战. 这让我们有优势根据犯罪和审理你案件的特定司法管辖区制定强有力的辩护策略.

请放心,我们杰斐逊县的刑事辩护律师会尽一切努力使您的案件取得成功, whether negotiating a favorable plea agreement or achieving a not-guilty verdict at trial.

不要把你的未来交给机遇. Call us at (812) 725-8224 today and let us start fighting for your rights and freedom.


Marc is a 肯塔基州 native, having lived and worked in the state the majority of his life. He is a licensed attorney in 肯塔基州 and 印第安纳州, 他的重点是试验工作, including civil litigation and criminal defense. 他代理过各种各样的客户, and he is committed to putting his clients’ needs first. [ 律师生物 ]




