Indiana DUI Attorney
The Indiana DUI attorneys at Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law明白被指控酒后驾车是一件很严重的事情, and we can provide you with the strongest defense possible. 每个人都会犯错,但这并不意味着你的生活必须天翻地覆. 我们的律师已经帮助许多被控酒后驾车的人使他们的生活恢复正常.
Getting Pulled Over is Stressful
serving all of Kentuckiana
当你不太了解法律或自己的权利时,与警察交谈往往会让你感到不舒服. 但是如果警察判定你在印第安纳州是酒后驾车, suddenly you are arrested and are more vulnerable than ever. You’re probably embarrassed, dreading having to tell your family and friends, 想知道你是否会面临牢狱之灾——并且知道刑事定罪意味着你的记录上有一个永久的印记.
WE’RE HERE TO HELP. 印第安纳州的酒驾律师可以介入并指导你完成法律程序, advise you about your options, and build a strong defense on your behalf. You don’t have to go it alone. 凭借技术和经验,我们的律师可以帮助您减少酒后驾车对您生活的影响. Call us at (812) 725-8224 if you have questions. We offer a free initial consultation about your case.
It Begins with a Traffic Stop
A drunk driving charge 在印第安纳州,这种情况也被称为醉酒操作(OWI),这种情况很容易发生. You can be pulled over for something as minor as not using turn signals 变道,在停车标志前没有完全停车,或尾灯坏了. If, after pulling you over, 警察怀疑你喝了一两杯酒精饮料, 这种情况可能升级为因怀疑精神受损而被捕.
警察被要求在停车后遵守一套规则, 一般人可能不知道是否遵循了所需的程序. That’s where a knowledgeable Indiana DUI attorney can help. 他或她可以识别执法部门什么时候不遵守规定. 通过审查案件的事实——从警察在路上注意到你的那一刻到你在警察局被记录下来的那一刻——酒后驾车律师可以寻找非法程序或其他错误的例子. Sometimes these are ways that cases can be dismissed. 一个熟练的酒驾律师也可以对酒精测试的结果提出质疑,或者质疑证据是否被妥善处理. There are many ways that your lawyer can object to procedures, challenge the facts in a case or have evidence thrown out.
To find out more about how we can help you, 今天致电(812)725-8224或填写我们的在线表格,bet9九州体育登录线路印第安纳州酒驾律师.
Questions to Ask a DUI Lawyer
put an experienced indiana attorney to work
Once you get over the initial shock of being arrested for DUI, your mind might start swimming with questions.
- How accurate are breathalyzers?
- What about blood tests?
- Will I go to jail?
- Is there video evidence or an eyewitness?
- How much is this all going to cost?
- What’s going to happen when I go to court?
- What will I do if my license is suspended?
The uncertainty is often overwhelming, 这就是为什么在你被起诉后尽快与律师交谈是如此重要. If you have been arrested, you need to act quickly. Contact the Floyd County DUI attorneys at Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law to put an experienced attorney to work on your behalf.
What Happens After You’re Stopped by a Police Officer?
here is what you need to know
Once a traffic stop is made, 最著名的判断司机是否醉酒的方法是酒精测试. This device measures blood alcohol content (BAC).
Anything above 0.08 percent is considered legal intoxication in Indiana. 对于半挂车或工程车辆等商用车辆驾驶员,BAC限制为0.04 percent. For drivers under the age of 21, the limit is lower still – 0.02 percent.
Under Indiana’s implied consent law, if you refuse to submit to a chemical test of your breath, blood, 或者当警察有可能有理由相信你是在酒精影响下开车时要求你提供尿液, you can be fined and your license can be suspended for a year. 这种拒绝也可以在审判中作为“你知道自己喝醉了”的证据.” Whether or not you decide to take a breathalyzer test, the best thing to do is be polite and respectful, give the officer the documents he requests, such as your driver’s license and registration, and answer his questions. Beyond that, say as little as possible. Do not talk at length or say anything that could incriminate you. 如果被逮捕,和平地离开,不要肢体对抗警察. 不要对抗、好战或做任何可能导致局势升级的事情. 尽快行使你的权利打电话并聘请酒驾律师.
The Process After Hiring a DUI Attorney
serving all of Kentuckiana
有很多律师,但并不是所有的律师都是平等的. Some are simply better than others. 我们律所以拥有一些最优秀、最聪明的律师而自豪,他们为我们带来了权威和信誉. 选择丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳作为你的代理律师是积极的第一步.
After hiring our Indiana DUI lawyer, we will investigate every aspect of your case, beginning with the traffic stop and arrest. 我们要确保执行逮捕的官员没有犯错或滥用权力. 我们还将对酒精测试进行审查,确保其依法实施,确保测试结果可靠. 我们将回答您关于法律程序的任何问题,并随时向您通报最新进展, evidence and court dates.
Our team will look for ways to reduce the charges against you or, if possible, have them dismissed entirely. The Indiana DUI attorneys at Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law认为,最好的辩护是通过彻底的法律研究和自信的辩护来实现的. 我们会从各个角度审视你的案子,确保你的权利得到保护, and the outcome is as favorable as possible.
What to do After Being Pulled Over for DUI
If you are pulled over by the police…
- Be respectful.
- Provide the officer with the documentation he or she requests.
- Don’t say anything you don’t need to say.
- Don’t say anything that incriminates you.
- 如果被逮捕,和平地离开,不要肢体对抗警察.
- Request an attorney and say nothing else.
Sobriety Tests
Whether you choose to take a sobriety test is up to you, but there are consequences for refusing a test. 如果你可以选择在车站进行化学测试而不是在路边进行测试, 这样做可能是明智的,因为化学测试通常更准确,更少主观. Be aware that roadside sobriety tests are flawed, but refusing a test can also lead to harsh penalties. 在交通站点进行的现场清醒测试和在警察局进行的化学清醒测试都有其优缺点. In other words, 一旦警察怀疑你酒后驾车,你就没有什么好办法了. 运用你最好的判断力,尽量少说话,并迅速寻求法律代理.
最重要的是要记住,你有权请印第安纳州酒驾律师,并有权保持沉默. 一旦你被逮捕,就利用这两项权利. 如果你向当局详细说明,你可能会造成比你意识到的更大的伤害. A person’s words can be twisted and taken out of context, and they can be used against a person at trial. Therefore, the less you say the better.
我们的司法系统鼓励警察和检察官确保定罪. 大多数检察官希望在犯罪问题上表现得强硬,而增加定罪是实现这一目标的一种方式. 你肯定不想无意中成为这种激励机制的牺牲品. Get the expertise you need on your side as quickly as possible. Once you are taken into custody, 马上告诉当局你要见你的律师.
一个好的酒驾律师一接到你的电话就会着手处理你的案子. We will listen to your side of the story, review police reports and other documents, examine the evidence, and begin to build a strong defense. Our focus is to secure the best possible outcome for your case. If you or your loved one has been arrested for a DUI in Indiana, we encourage you to contact Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law at (812) 725-8224 as soon as possible.
The Indiana OWI defense lawyers at Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law拥有所需的技能和经验,以确保为客户提供他们应得的有效代理. From steep fines to long prison terms, 如果酒后驾车被判有罪,可能会受到很大的处罚. 定罪也会记入你的犯罪记录,可能会给你的雇主带来麻烦, landlords, financial institutions, 以及将犯罪记录检查作为申请过程一部分的学校.
重要的是要记住,指控并不等同于定罪, and there are many ways our Indiana DUI attorneys can help. 我们知道印第安纳州刑事司法系统是如何运作的,以及如何利用每个案件的独特情况来制定一个彻底的辩护策略,利用每一个机会来驳回案件, reduction of charges, reduction of sentences, and alternatives to imprisonment.
如果你在印第安纳州因酒后驾驶被指控或逮捕, let us plan the aggressive defense that you will need. To get more information and explore your options, contact the Floyd County DUI attorneys at Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law today.
No matter what crime you’ve been charged with, you need an advocate that will stand up for your rights. Contact us today to get started.
Penalties for Drunk Driving in Indiana
你第一次在印第安纳州因战争战争罪被捕并被定罪, you will receive a fine of up to $5,000, 你的驾照将被暂停90天到两年, and you will face up to one year in jail.
The penalties vary, based on whether the offense is charged as a Class A misdemeanor or a Class C misdemeanor. For your first offense, absent any aggravating circumstances, 也许可以获得较低的罚款和缓刑,而不是监禁. Options include community service and alcohol education classes, 还有驾照的试用,而不是完全停牌.
以后每次你因酒后驾车被逮捕和定罪,处罚都会变得更加严厉. In the last several years, 法官和陪审团越来越不能容忍酒后驾车的惯犯, 他们对那些酒后驾车的人毫不留情, thereby putting other motorists, passengers and pedestrians at risk. If you find yourself in this situation, 对于你的酗酒问题,最好是寻求专业的帮助,而不是面临牢狱之灾. 如果你酒后驾车撞到另一辆车,你的生活可能会在一瞬间发生不可逆转的变化, causing injury or death to others.
The Consequences of a DUI Charge
对酒后驾车的处罚差别很大,这取决于几个因素. Not only do prior convictions lead to harsher punishments, but “aggravating circumstances” do, too, such as a high BAC (0.15%),没有驾驶执照,以及拥有武器或毒品. 这些因素都有可能把轻罪指控变成重罪.
The consequences of a DUI charge go beyond legal penalties. 任何形式的犯罪记录都会限制找房子的机会, education, getting loans and mortgages, and securing employment. 被指控酒后驾车的人可能会被他们的亲人、同事和社区所看不起. 这些后果会对一个人的生活产生挥之不去的影响,这种影响可能比任何吊销驾照的时间都长, fine or legal penalty.
If convicted of a DUI charge, there is often no happy ending. 家庭处于压力之下,机会变得有限,羞耻感会增加. 这就是为什么如果你碰巧被无罪释放,或者被判犯有较轻的指控,得到较轻的判决,珍惜并利用重新开始的机会是如此重要. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.
The Chance to Get Help
let an experienced DUI attorney help you
当你被指控酒后驾车或酒后驾车时,你主动寻求酒精咨询或治疗的意愿是法院看好的事情之一. Whether attending 12-step meetings, checking yourself into a treatment facility, or pursuing professional counseling, 所有这些都可以向法庭表明你感到懊悔,并对自己的行为负责, 这既对你个人有帮助又可能促使法庭宽大处理. Your effort needs to be as sincere as possible, though, 因为法院和检察官是明智的,他们不想把时间浪费在肤浅或不真诚的姿态上. It’s up to you. 如果你愿意,经验丰富的酒驾律师或医疗保健专业人员可以帮助你找到这些酒精意识或治疗方案之一.
Expunging a DUI Charge in Indiana
删除是指从你的记录中删除前科的过程. If your DUI charge was a misdemeanor and at least five years old, 通过向法院提出正式请求,有可能将其删除. 这意味着轻罪将从你的法庭记录中删除,也不会出现在贷款的犯罪背景调查中, jobs and other matters.
If you’re interested in seeking an expungement, 值得咨询印第安纳州的酒驾律师,看看你是否符合资格. Our criminal defense attorneys 能否帮您准备删除请求并确保所有文件都井然有序. 我们可以指导您完成整个过程,并回答您的所有问题.
Attorney Marc Tawfik
马克是肯塔基人,他一生的大部分时间都在这个州生活和工作. He is a licensed attorney in Kentucky and Indiana, and his focus is on trial work, including civil litigation and criminal defense. He has represented a wide variety of clients, and he is committed to putting his clients’ needs first. [ Attorney Bio ]
An Indiana DUI Attorney Can Help. Call Us Today.
酒后驾车的指控和逮捕不一定会给你的整个家庭造成破坏,也不一定会把你的未来置于危险之中. While an arrest is unpleasant, 你可以采取一些措施将对你的职业和社区的影响降到最低. 通过聘请印第安纳州酒驾律师,你将迈出让你的生活回归正轨的第一步. Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law律所的律师可以为你的法律选择提供建议,
根据事实整理出强有力的辩护,并帮助你取得最好的结果. 我们有几十年的经验,帮助客户面对酒驾指控,并擅长审查法律法规, gathering evidence, and challenging a prosecutor’s version of events. We may be able to help you, too. You don’t have to go it alone. 开始你的辩护,迈出新的一步,向新的开始,今天打电话给我们 (812) 725-8224. We are here for you.