The New Albany, 教会的律师, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law致力于为我们共享的社区bet9九州体育登录. We know how fortunate we are to be a successful part of the Southern Indiana region and we value the relationships we have built over the years. 除了代表需要一系列帮助的客户 legal issues, including 遗产及长者法, family law, personal injury, and criminal defense, we support and encourage a number of endeavors here in the heart of Kentuckiana.
今年又是这样, CLLB Law is proud to have awarded college scholarships to three deserving high school seniors in their annual essay competition.
Allison Crosser of New Albany High School submitted her essay on the topic of Overcoming Learning Disabilities. 艾莉森在7岁时被诊断出患有癫痫. The seizures, headaches, 多年来,医生的预约给她的学业带来了挑战, 但艾莉森说,她的残疾教会了她为自己辩护.
Addyson Banet of Floyd Central High School wrote about what her life will look like in ten years and chose the words “challenge” and “growth” as her motto. Addyson excelled in many leadership roles throughout high school and says that her ability to push herself prepared her for her future career path.
Amelia Meunier, 也是弗洛伊德中心高中的学生, 她的论文是关于社区参与的. 阿米莉亚志愿参加了她所在教堂的路易斯维尔卷饼骑手项目, 她给无家可归的人送墨西哥卷饼的地方.
National, well-known musical acts need support, but so do local and regional musicians. Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law认识到艺术在新奥尔巴尼的重要性, 所以我们很荣幸赞助你 200周年公园夏季音乐会系列 在2019年6月、7月和8月. Our community is brimming with hard-working people who deserve a fun place to unwind after a long week. These free, after-work, family-friendly concerts took place every Friday night from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 在新奥尔巴尼市中心春街和珍珠街的拐角处.
What started out as a 3-day pumpkin festival put on by the Tourism Bureau of the New Albany Chamber of Commerce almost 50 years ago has evolved into the spectacular week-long event known lovingly as “收获回家.“完全由志愿者和赞助商运营, 这个节日吸引了成千上万的游客来到新奥尔巴尼, 是否检查本地人才, the craft shows, 丰收小姐返校奖学金大赛, or the parade. 这个以家庭为中心的节日汇集了美丽, talents, 和南印第安纳州的历史,同时通过音乐团结社区, art, and more. This event was honored by the Library of Congress Bicentennial Local Legacies Project in 2000.
作为公民,我们有权对我们的政府有发言权, which is why it’s so important that children learn about the process in school. 根据印第安纳州的法律, all schools in the state are required to teach children about the election process two weeks before a general election. The 印第安纳州儿童选举计划 includes a hands-on simulation that takes students from registration (which was required to take place prior to October 11 last year), all the way through to a mock election on November 8 when students officially cast their ballots. The idea is to get kids to pay attention and become involved in the election process at local, state, and national levels — and to eventually have a positive impact on voter turnout in Indiana. 2016年,我们有独特的机会参与其中. Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law attorney Dana Eberle-Peay delivered a 1-hour classroom presentation about how to make informed choices and the importance of doing so.
Power of Pink
Dedicated to raising money for breast cancer research and general awareness, 《bet9九州体育登录》 is a Southern Indiana organization for the men and women living with breast cancer, 还有他们的家人. “粉红的力量”不仅有助于获得研究资金, it reminds the community that support is never far away and brings survivors together by hosting social events. 教堂里的律师, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law enthusiastically sponsored and attended a 2016 fundraiser in support of this most important cause.
Beaux Arts Ball
Music is one of the great universal languages and one of the truest ways to join hearts and minds. 美术舞会 已经有19年的历史了,还包括一个主酒吧, silent auction, live auction, 一顿美味的多道菜大餐, 现场娱乐. 这个正装活动有利于肯塔基州之声, a 70-member chorus which celebrates diversity and fosters positive social change by reaching out to at-risk youth who feel isolated or otherwise alone, 比如那些挣扎于性身份或性取向的人. Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law was a proud sponsor of Beaux Arts Ball and enjoyed the great company, great food, 美酒和烈酒, 令人愉快的娱乐活动充满了整个晚上.
Local youth sports need support, just as much (if not more) than your favorite professional athletes! 我们支持我们社区的孩子们对游戏的热爱, 以及他们对球队的热爱. 一点一滴都有帮助, 这样这些爱玩的孩子就能留下回忆了, hone their skills, 也许有一天自己也能进入大联盟. Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law welcomed the chance to show our young people that the adults in their community care about what they’re doing, 他们要去哪里?, 以及他们想成为什么样的人. 为州少棒联盟的冠军欢呼, 以及融合精英垒球队, 一支快速发展的青年队. 谢谢你给我机会让你高飞!
Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law continues to receive overwhelming interest in our scholarships. 我们为即将上大学的高中生提供两个500美元的奖励. 印第安纳州有很多, caring, 年轻人不仅想提升自己, 但也想让他们的社区和世界变得更美好. 由于去年的成功,我们很高兴能够再次提供500美元 奖学金注重社区参与 and a $500 奖学金注重个人目标.
Many of our attorneys have taken a leadership role within various organizations in our community. Demonstrating just how deeply committed we are to making an in impact in our area. 律师所扮演的角色包括:
- 目前,Jason Lopp律师是OSI基金会的董事会成员. 这是一个支持组织 南印第安纳州他曾在美国担任董事会成员7年. In addition, Jason是Metro United Way的前任主席, 南印第安纳州竞选委员会前主席劳奇, Inc. 以及劳奇基金会..
- 律师加里·巴内特 has served in a leadership position at many of organizations, including the 南印第安纳州社区基金会顾问委员会, 海滨植物园, floyd Knobs社区俱乐部少年联盟, 南印第安纳基金会, 弗洛伊德县人道协会, 弗洛伊德县青年bet9九州体育登录局.
- Dana Eberle-Peay律师 is a Board Member of The Center for Women and Families and Chair of the Center’s Southern Indiana Partnership Council
- 马克·陶菲克律师 is currently on the Board of Directors at Leadership Southern Indiana and Habitat for Humanity Clark and Floyd County, Indiana. He is also an Associate Board Member, American Heart Association, Kentuckiana Chapter.
Ken-Ducky Derby
Who wouldn’t enjoy the sight of 30,000 plastic ducks bobbing their way down the Ohio River? Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law is excited to join in the fun this year for the 一年一度的肯塔基德比, a family-oriented Kentucky Derby Festival Official Event at Louisville’s Waterfront Park benefiting the programs and services of Harbor House of Louisville. 目前bet9九州体育登录超过300人,并有可能帮助更多的人, Harbor House empowers individuals with disabilities and their families to lead fulfilled and productive lives. 目标是500只鸭子, we are pleased to be able to participate in the fundraiser for this worthy local, nonprofit charity.