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Avoiding probate in Indiana

你可以给你所爱的人最好的礼物之一就是为你的家人特别设计的遗产计划. When you take the time to talk to our estate planning attorneys, you can proactively explore a will, power of attorney, 信任和其他将为你所爱的人bet9九州体育登录几十年的文件. 在印第安纳州,遗产计划也是避免遗嘱认证的关键.

The time to think about estate planning is now, 当你身体健康,有时间和你的继承人讨论你的遗产决定时. 人们想要避免遗嘱认证的原因有很多——它可能很长, expensive, and stressful for surviving family members. 通过几个简单的步骤,您可以将遗嘱认证的影响降到最低或完全避免它.

What is probate?

Probate 法院决定遗嘱是否有效和真实的法律程序, and then administers it. 遗嘱认证也指在没有遗嘱的情况下死亡的人的遗产被审查并在受益人之间分配的过程 Indiana probate laws. 没有遗嘱死亡的另一个说法是“无遗嘱死亡”.” If there is no will, 遗产管理人将监督死者资产的收集,以在受益人收到其份额之前支付剩余的债务.

An attorney explains how to avoid probate in Indiana

Church Langdon Lopp Banet律师事务所的律师很乐意为您解释遗产计划的选择和好处. 有几个遗产规划工具可以帮助你避免遗嘱认证的重要方面, thereby simplifying and streamlining the process. Some assets can avoid probate altogether. 以下是一些重要文件,通常是遗产计划的一部分:

Last Will and Testament
这是最基本的临终文件,列出了你对财产分配的愿望, including real estate, vehicles, furniture, family heirlooms, jewelry, and other valuables.

Financial Power of Attorney (POA)
这赋予某人在他人丧失行为能力和无法做出财务决定的情况下代表他人行事的法律权力. 起草POA的人被称为委托人,而被选中的人被称为实际代理人或代理人.

Health Care/Medical Power of Attorney (POA)
这赋予某人在他或她无法做出医疗保健决定时代表他人行事的法律权力. 这份文件比生前遗嘱更有意义,可以与生前遗嘱一起使用. Also called a Healthcare Proxy.

Guardianship Designation
这适用于有未成年子女的夫妇,如果父母意外死亡,他们希望指定个人担任监护人. By putting this in a document, 它允许一对夫妇与他们选择的监护人甚至孩子讨论他们的决定, when appropriate.

有许多种类的信托可以使你的家庭受益,其中最基本的是 revokable (living) trusts and irrevocable trusts. 像房地产和其他主要资产这样的东西可以放在信托中, 这样就避免了遗嘱认证程序,在你去世后直接留给继承人. There are also specialized trusts including:

  • Pet Trust – provides for beloved animals
  • Special Needs Trust -为残疾儿童或家庭成员未来的经济需要提供支援
  • Digital Asset Trust -给出如何使用数字技术的说明, including computer hard drive, digital photos, information stored in the cloud, and social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Advance Medical Directive
这份文件列出了你在接受麻醉时的医疗愿望, enter a coma, 否则就会丧失行为能力,无法做出医疗决定. 这是你表达你希望复苏的程度的地方, or if you want a DNR (do not resuscitate).

Named Beneficiaries
这份文件列出了银行和经纪账户的受益人, life insurance policies, pensions, and other investments. 而受益人通常是在开户时确定的, 明智的做法是在遗产计划中列出每个账户的所有受益人. 这使您可以在一个地方收集所有信息.

Letter of Intent
While not a legally binding document, 意向书是一个地方,一个人可以向继承人提供额外的指示,说明资产的首选用途或分配. 这也是一个你可以为你的葬礼和葬礼愿望给出具体指示的地方.

List of Important Documents
This document lists all of your important documents, 以及它们的位置是否在保险箱里, a desk drawer, or a post office box. These important documents could include:

  • Life insurance policies
  • Pension documents
  • Marriage certificate
  • Birth certificates
  • Divorce records
  • Stocks, bonds, and mutual funds
  • Bank account numbers
  • Vehicle titles and registrations
  • Real estate deeds

How long does it take to go through probate?

没有具体的时间,每个遗嘱认证过程需要完成. 不过,我只想说,这通常需要几个月的时间. 这不仅会在相当长的一段时间内占用资产, 但它也很昂贵,因为你可能要支付律师费来完成这个过程.

Speak to an estate planning attorney in Indiana

如果你对遗嘱认证有疑问,或者想和律师谈谈制定遗产计划, 彻奇·兰登·洛普·巴内特律师事务所的律师们很乐意帮忙. Our Jeffersonville probate lawyers, Clarskville probate attorneys as well as New Albany and Corydon probate lawyers 有几十年的经验,帮助个人和家庭制定独特的计划,以满足他们的特定需求. 创建一个遗产计划是你可以给你所爱的人最好的礼物之一. 要了解更多bet9九州体育登录如何提供帮助的信息,请拨打812-725-8224.

Attorney Steve Langdon

Attorney Steve LangdonLicensed to practice in both Indiana and Kentucky, 史蒂夫·兰登是一位经验丰富的老年律师和出庭辩护律师. In addition to his litigation and trial work, Steve’s practice includes wills, trusts, probate, Medicaid planning, guardianship, powers of attorney, and advanced directive planning, 包括生前遗嘱和医疗代理指定. [ Attorney Bio ]