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企业有各种各样的权利和义务. 同一事物的正反两面经常成为法律纠纷的基础. 一家公司可能会发现自己与任何一方都有冲突, including partners, shareholders, vendors, suppliers, employees, customers, and other businesses. 企业是否发现自己需要索赔或抗辩, 商法索赔要求高质量的代理,以尽可能有利地解决他们.

Through strong client relationships, solid management skills, and personal commitment, 教会的商业法律律师, Langdon, Lopp, 法律有能力处理行政诉讼, regulatory measures, arbitrations, bench trials, and jury trials. 我们也为那些最好不通过诉讼解决的情况提供法律咨询, 或者非常适合印第安纳州新的商业法庭. 我们在代理各类客户处理商业诉讼的各个方面拥有丰富的经验. 在保密咨询期间了解更多关于您的选择. 立即bet9九州体育登录,开始寻找解决方案:填写我们的在线表格或致电(812)725-8224.

Given today’s technology, commerce knows no bounds; and a company can easily find itself conducting local, regional, or out-of-state business. 这种可访问性意味着商业企业必须准备好在许多方面保护自己, 从遵守法规到遵守劳动法, 从追求索赔到抗辩. At Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law, 我们提供以下公司和商业诉讼bet9九州体育登录:

  • Consultation and legal advice
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Commercial transactions
  • Real estate title services
  • Mediation/Arbitration
  • Directors’ and officers’ liability
  • Trial counsel
  • Contract disputes
  • Ownership disputes
  • Shareholder litigation
  • Appeals
  • Employee disputes
  • Lender/Borrower Opinions
  • ADA Compliance advice.

在商业世界中,违约是一个经常发生的问题,并可能导致非常复杂的索赔. 常见的话题包括货物装运, the delivery of goods, and the sale, purchase, or transfer of a business. 违约是指一方不履行协议规定的义务或不履行先前交易所期望的义务. It can take many different forms, 如迟交或未交货物, delivery of damaged goods, failure to pay for goods, 泄露商业机密. 而在违约纠纷中,金钱损害赔偿是最常寻求和获得的救济, 只有当它们可以计算到合理程度的确定性时,它们才可用. 如果它们难以确定或不足以使非违约方处于与违约未发生时相同的有利地位, 非违约方可以要求具体履行合同或在合同给予违约方利益的情况下要求赔偿.


  • Business torts — fraud, tortious interference with contract, 对未来商业关系的侵权干扰, theft of trade secrets, business defamation, misrepresentation, and unfair competition
  • Antitrust claims -当竞争行为失控时
  • Employment claims – such as wages, hours, safety, 雇佣状况(随意雇佣与独立合同工), hiring, termination, discrimination, and privacy
  • Real estate – mergers and acquisitions, commercial transactions, 丧失抵押品赎回权的辩护/锻炼策略, 租赁事宜(业主及租客), mortgages, collection actions, land use disputes, permits, zoning approvals, nonconforming uses, rezoning, and variances
  • Partnership/joint venture disputes -当商业协会进展不顺利时
  • Breach of fiduciary duty –typically involving trustees, corporate directors, commercial joint venturers, investment advisors, and retirement plan administrators
  • Shareholder issues -可能涉及商业利益冲突, breach of directors’ duties, lack of proper financial reporting, insider trading, and more
  • Consumer protection -关于企业如何做广告、促销或销售产品的欺诈指控.
  • Uniform Commercial Code issues -涉及在公司境外进行的商业交易, such as establishing contracts, borrowing money, leasing equipment, and selling goods
  • Construction claims – disputes over project delays, scheduling, defective design, non-payment, unacceptable workmanship, substituted materials, or cost overruns
  • Intellectual property (IP) -因有价值资产(如商标)的所有权而产生的索偿, copyrights, design rights, and patents; also IP being used without permission, 员工与竞争对手分享秘密, 违反保密协议


而商事诉讼律师在 Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law 对审判不是解决纠纷的唯一途径这一事实是否敏感, 我们也认识到,有时这是不可避免的,甚至可能是更好的. 我们探讨了诉讼的优点和缺点, 以及与每个客户进行各种形式的替代性争议解决, 从不忽视他们独特的环境和最终目标. 我们始终意识到费用和保密的必要性.

不管你的生意有多大,也不管纠纷有多大, 我们将与您密切合作,帮助您做出最好的决定. 我们提供技术和专业资源来调查任何索赔,并评估最佳的法律策略,以保护您的利益. 为熟练和知识渊博的代表, 请致电812-725-8224或填写我们的在线表格与我们bet9九州体育登录线路. Based in New Albany, Indiana, we proudly serve communities throughout Kentuckiana; Floyd County, IN; Clark County, IN; and regularly serve commercial clients throughout all of Kentucky and Indiana.

Attorney Jason Lopp

Attorney Jason Lopp

Jason Lopp的主要业务是代表金融机构, major corporations, family businesses and individuals. 在印第安纳州和肯塔基州都有执业执照, 他的业务包括房地产诉讼, commercial real estate transactions, zoning, construction, general litigation, 业务规划和风险管理事宜. [ Attorney Bio ]

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